I. Professional and Client Work


Digital mural on personal experiences and wellbeing during the initial peak of the pandemic, illustrated with 14 interactive data visualizations

Total Solar Eclipse Explainer

Illustrative explainer about why the total solar eclipse in April 2024 is a rare occurrence.

published in San Antonio Express News, Houston Chronicle, Albany Times Union, more markets to come ...

Is there an afterlife?

Explorable explanation project about a Pew Research Center's study on religion and afterlife

published in Big Think

Heat Tracker

Real-time heat tracker for local markets, answering the questions: how hot is it and is the current temperature normal?

GPT Evolution Explainer

Explainer on limitations across different ChatGPT versions, paired with custom parrot illos

FlightAware Delays and Cancellations

Analysis of real-time and historical flight delays and cancellations across several local markets

California Reservoir Levels Tracker

An article that explores daily water storage levels of California reservoirs

Perfect Match (2021)

Valentine’s Day matchmaking service that uses machine learning to pair over 5000 Cornell students with their perfect matches

II. Personal Projects

SF Tree Rings

Simple and experimental explorations of trees planted in San Francisco

Sleep Hygiene: An Intimate View

Reflection of good sleep hygiene habits vs. personal sleep patterns

Amazon's Acquisitions

Radial chart animation of Amazon's acquisitions since 1998

Ludwig's 2021 Subathon

Recap of Ludwig's 31-day subathon that led to him becoming the most subbed streamer on Twitch

III. Contests and Twitter Challenges

D3 Parade

Celebrating 10 years of D3.js through an exploration of D3 Github repositories

featured in D3 Parade 2021

Toxin Contamination in SF Bay

Data exploration of PCB and mercury contamination in San Francisco Bay waters

UK Exports

Experimental radial area chart visualization of the decline in UK exports